Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Laura and Barry

It was a tale of two rabbits, a priest with a sense of humour, a talented cake-making mum, a dangerous dancing dad, two of the nicest families you could hope to meet and most of all- love. We felt so welcome at Laura and Barry's wedding that we could hardly drag ourselves away. See for yourselves. The images below tell the story of a wonderful day at Our Lady Immaculate and Horton Grange.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Kath and Ross- Durham Castle

Yesterday was the wedding of Kath and Ross in beautiful Lanchester Parish Church and magnificent Durham Castle. It was a very special day; a day of myriad penguins, bacon butties, nature's confetti, fabulous Durham skies, laughter and a spirited ceilidh. We were privileged to visit parts of Durham Castle we'd never seen before, and to spend a lovely day with a wonderful set of people! Congratulations Kath and Ross-enjoy your honeymoon (with full accommodation, hopefully!)

Monday, 16 August 2010

Nicola and Darren's wedding- Headlam Hall

Another minor miracle for the team at Jillian Dixon Photography-after the worst Thursday and Friday I can remember for some time, the weather at the weekend was again glorious,just in time for the wedding of Darren and Nicola at Headlam Hall. You may remember Nicola and Darren as the stars of a preshoot video around Easter- well this was the real thing! It was a day of nerves, tears, joy and spontaneous laughter, nifty first dance moves (!) -everything a wedding should be, in fact. We had the pleasure of meeting two of the nicest registrars in the North, and two of the nicest families you could wish to meet. We were so carried away creating beautiful images, that it's been really hard work to try to choose just under 30 for the blog. Thanks for a lovely day, Fish and Marshall families. Congratulations Nicola and Darren, you made it a wonderful occasion!

I'm back!!!

 After a long enforced absence, I'm back. I was coaxed back to wedding photography by my lovely friends Mark and Gill and photographed t...