Sunday, 7 February 2010

Silver award.

The snow did me a favour! I got my arty head on and took photos in and around the house, as seen in Snow Joke, below- and that photo was awarded Silver in the SWPP January photo competition, in the pictorial section. Best get arty again and go for Gold! Here it is again, in case you missed it.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Breast is best

I'm very proud and flattered to have a photo from a 2008 wedding featured in the La Leche League's 2010 calendar. Lindsay, one of my 2008 brides, who is a supporter of LLL, asked me to take a very special set of photos of her feeding her beautiful son, Will,on her wedding day. I was honoured to do so, and the photo has pride of place in this month's newsletter, and within the Breastfeeding Resource calendar.
Buy the calendar from !

I'm back!!!

 After a long enforced absence, I'm back. I was coaxed back to wedding photography by my lovely friends Mark and Gill and photographed t...